My National Science Foundation CAREER proposal was selected for funding. The NSF CAREER award is a highly competitive program that recognizes and supports early career faculty members to carry out a five-year project that integrates research and pedagogy. My project is titled: “Governance of Computer Models in Sustainable Water Quality Management” and will address the development of computer models as a socio-political process embedded within environmental decision-making contexts.

While computer models are often thought of as based in empirical data and on science, there are many subjective decisions that go into building models. How do we ensure that such models are as inclusive as possible to different kinds of knowledge and ways of knowing, while also ensuring that unintended consequences of socio-political processes do not inadvertantly become embedded in computer models that we use to make consequential decisions about environmental resource distribution, development, and mitigation/adaptation. I look forward to getting started on this project – stay tuned for updates~